UOL - O melhor conteúdo

Menor homem do mundo morre, ao 27 anos, no Nepal

A morte de Khagendra Thapa Magar foi confirmada pelo irmão

Robert Sarmento
Robert Sarmento
Publicado em 19/01/2020 às 8:55
Reprodução/Instagram/Guiness World Records
FOTO: Reprodução/Instagram/Guiness World Records

O menor homem do mundo, que conseguia andar, morreu aos 27 anos, devido à uma pneumonia. Khagendra Thapa Magar morava no Nepal, país do continente asiático, e media 67,08 centímetros, de acordo com os dados do Guiness Wolrd Records. A morte do rapaz foi confirmada na última sexta-feira (17) pelo irmão.

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"Ele estrava e saía de hospitais por causa de pneumonia. Mas desta vez seu coração também foi afetado. Ele faleceu hoje (sexta-feira)", contou Mahesh Thapa Magar, irmão de Khagendra, à agência France Presse.


Khagendra foi declarado o homem mais baixo do mundo, ao completar 18 anos, em 2010. No entanto, ele perdeu o posto para Chandra Bahadur Dangui, também do Nepal, que media 54,6 centímetros. Em 2015, após a morte de Dangui, Khagendra Thapa Magar recuperou o título.


Por causa do recorde, Magar viajou para vários e visitou diversas emissoras de TV da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. Ele também se tornou garoto propaganda de uma campanha de turismo do Nepal e promovia o país conhecido por ter o monte Everest, a montanha mais alta do mundo, com 8 848 metros acima do nível do mar.

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We are saddened today to hear of the passing of the world’s shortest man, Khagendra Thapa Magar from Nepal. He was 27 years old. Khagendra, who was born on 14 October 1992, stood at 67.08 cm (2 ft 2.41 in) tall when measured at Fewa City Hospital in Pohkara, Nepal, on the advent of his 18th birthday in 2010. Khagendra was born in the Baglung district of Nepal, the eldest son of Roop Bahadur and Dhan Maya. His father recalled, “He was so tiny when he was born that he could fit in the palm of your hand, and it was very hard to bathe him because he was so small.” According to friends, Khagendra had been struggling recently with heart problems, asthma and pneumonia. "We’re terribly sad to hear the news from Nepal that Khagendra is no longer with us," said Guinness World Records Editor-in-Chief Craig Glenday, who first met Khagendra during his visit to Italy in 2010. "His bright smile was so infectious that he melted the hearts of anyone who met him. As many people of short stature experience, life can be challenging when you weigh just 6 kg and you don’t fit into world built for the average person. But Khagendra certainly didn’t let his small size stop him from getting the most out of life. It’s been an honour to know him and his family, and a privilege to share his story with the world." Click the link in our bio for more memories of Khagendra.

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